I thought of this idea and would like to present it as a business or Chessed idea for someone who would like to use it.
We all know how Erev Shabbos/Yom Tov travel can be. One leaves with enough time (hopefully) to make it to their destination but Ah Metch Trachts and Der Eibeshter laughs. Sometimes it just doesn't happen and one is stranded far from his destination when the sun starts to set.
While one should always avoid this situation, we are all human and our situation doesn't always let us act in a Lechatchila manner. Traffic, inclement weather, flight delays, accidents, and breakdowns happen...
My idea was to make an all-in-one "Kosher Box" which would include all the necessities for a Jewish traveler who is stranded, either during the week but especially Shabbos and Yom Tov, both Gashmius and Ruchnius. It would include:
6 candles (3 day YT)
box of matches
1 two day Yaartzeit candle
1 small plastic tablecloth
7 plates/bowls/forks/spoons/cups/napkins
1 sturdy plastic cup for Kiddush/4 cups (Exact Reviis size-90cc/3 oz)
32 oz (long lasting) Grape Juice
1 pound (1/2 Kilo) Kosher for Pesach Matzah
1 packet salt
1 small jar of honey (doubles for Rosh Hashanah)
2 cans tuna
1 can apple sauce (doubles for R"H)
1 can beans
1 can chickpeas
1 can corn
1 can pickles
1 packet of beef jerky
1 packet of nuts
1 bar of dark chocolate
3 packets coffee
3 packets sugar
3 packets non-dairy whitener
packet of powdered milk
2 small candles (Bedikas Chometz/Havdlala)
small packet of Besamim
8 Shabbos Chanuka candles (w/ cheap Menorah)
All the food would be Kosher for Pesach (besides for the Kitnios which would not be Chametz and Sefardim would be able to eat them). All the food would be picked to last the longest amount of time. The box would have some sort of lightweight insulation to protect its contents.
Also included in the box would be a siddur which would have all Teffilos for weekday and Shabbos/YT, R"H, Yom Kippur, Hoshana Rabbah, Tikun Leil Shavuos, and Kinnos for Tisha B'Av. Also Kiddush and candle lighting, and Bentching as well. There would probobly have to be both an Ashkenaz/Sefard and Sephari siddur. Or maybe just sell different versions of the boxes.
Also would be included would be a guide for one stuck in a hotel for Shabbos and/or Pesach and how do avoid pitfalls such as automatic lights, fridges, doors, Eiruv/carrying issues, Chametz, etc. All the basic questions that come up. Also, basic Zmanim for different areas around the world/the USA.
The idea for these boxes would be twofold.
1) These can be sold in stores that one can purchase to place in his car and leave it there until replacing the food products every 2-3 years. That way the buyer would be safe in case any situation arose.
2) These can also be strategically placed and left/sold along the more commonly used routes of Jewish travelers and in the more frequently used airports. They can be also left/sold by Chabad houses across the world for people who are worried that they may not make their destination on time to take. These locations would then be documented and publicized for people to know about them.
An idea to get locations would be to offer to leave a few by Shabbos friendly motels/hotels along commonly used routes and tell them that the company would advertise them as a location for a stranded Jewish traveler.
Obviously the food products would have to be replaced every 3 or so years. But even if not, the Matzah and some of the other food products should last even longer.
Depending if one would want to do it as a Chessed or business, I think one would be able to charge $50-$100 for such a box. They would make great gifts for a friend/relative who travels alot.