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This thread discusses speeding tickets and traffic tickets in the state of New York. For parking tickets go here or here For moving violations outside of New York, please start a new thread and add a link here.

If you have a specific question please use this template so that members will have enough information to answer.
The ticket was issued in this state:
The ticket is returnable to in this Town/Village/City:
I have a license from this state:
Regular or Commercial license:
Ticket one:
Ticket two(ex):
I want information on "do it yourself":
I want information on "hire an attorney":
I want both:

Please read this wiki first. I am not an attorney and this is not legal advice.

Q: Can I get a plea bargain in New York City?
A: No. Every single ticket goes to trial, guilty or not guilty, in New York City. (The 5 boroughs of NY, Kings, Queens, Bronx and Richmond.)

Q: How long does it take for points to fall off your New York State record/license/abstract?
A: For DMV persistent violation purposes 18 months from the date of offense regardless of the date of conviction. At 3 years after the date of conviction on the following January first the points are no longer visible on the driving record which insurance companies and traffic prosecutors look at. DMV always keeps a record of your conviction and if you get too many points over your lifetime you could get a "10 year" revocation, however those records are not visible to insurance companies.

Q: Does it pay to fight my NY ticket or should I just pay it?
A: In order to figure the true cost of a traffic ticket conviction (aside from figuring out the total fines and the effects on your record) you need to call up your insurance company and ask them 2 questions. 1. How much will my insurance go up over the next 4 years if I pay this ticket? 2. How much money in "good driver discounts" will I loss over the next 4 years and how much does this add up to?

The reason you need to ask these 2 questions separately is because the insurance companies "shield themselves" from the statutory requirement to not raise insurance rates for a first violation (or speeds up to 15 MPH) by granting "good driver discounts", and then taking away these good driver discounts when you get your first violation. Therefore the (technically) correct answer to the first question you ask them could be "your insurance will not be raised at all". Then when you ask them the second question the answer may be in the thousands of dollars over the next 4 years, depending on your insurance bracket.

Q: How can I find my New York ticket online? 
A: If it is New York City ticket you can find it at if you received a ticket anywhere outside of NYC and anywhere upstate you must contact the individual Court by phone or mail. There is no way to find your ticket online. Google is not able to find most small Courts as it get confused with giving you the most popular courts and attorneys, therefore I suggest you look up your Court at at

Q: How can I get a copy of my NYS driving record/license/abstract?
A: You can buy it at the statutory minimum of $7 at

Q: Do NJ tickets show up on a regular non CDL NY license?
A: As long as you pay them, no they will not.

Q: Do NY tickets show up on NJ licenses?
A: Yes as a 2 point out of state conviction (most violations).

Q: Do NJ tickets show up on a NY license?
A: As long as you pay them, no. Exceptions 1. if you have a CDL the NJ conviction will record on your NY license. 2. DUI/DWI and criminal driving convictions from NJ do record on your NY license. 3. as stated above if you don't respond to the ticket the suspension will follow you to NY. In addition NJ issues warrants for failing to respond to traffic tickets. 4 If you are convicted of a high speed (90+ MPH, 100+ MPH) in NJ the Judge may suspend your NJ driving privileges. 

Q: Can I pay Court fines with a CC?
A: In NYC for moving violations you can use For NYC parking tickets you can use As far as "upstate" Courts go, most Courts will allow you to pay with visa or mastercard in person. Many Courts have a CC sheet which you can fill in and mail back, other Courts have a third party processor such as to accept cc payments. Call the Court to find out what options they have. No one (so far that I have seen) will take CCs over the phone.

Q: I received a camera ticket for a red light (3 points) or speeding (3-11 points) or a bus lane violation (2 points). Do traffic tickets issued from a camera add points to my license?
A: Camera Tickets never go on your license as they are issued against the car and not the driver. Therefor a camera ticket will not add points to your license or increase your insurance.

Q: If I push a ticket off for 18 months and then I am convicted, can I still be suspended by the DMV for having more than 11 points?
A: Pushing off a ticket will not help protect you from DMV actions. The reason is as follows: if you receive 2 tickets worth 6 points each on the same day, and you plead guilty to one of them on that same day and you push the second ticket off for 5 years, and then you plead guilty to that second ticket, the DMV computer will look at the 2 dates of violation and say "the motorist accumulated (more than) 11 points within an 18 month period" and issue a persistent violator suspension against you license.

Insurance companies work the other way around. They can only raise your premium after your date of conviction. Therefore in our example the insurance companies will increase your insurance after the first conviction appears on your record when they renew your policy (which will stay on your record for 3 years and then until the next January 1st) and then they will increase your rates again after the second ticket conviction shows up on your record when they renew your policy, (once again this second ticket will stay on the record for  3 years plus until the next January first. It follows that pleading/being found guilty in December saves 11 months of policy increase, and if there is a way to lock in a one year policy right before a conviction in December you can be looking at a car increase for only 2 years and 1 day, instead of 4 years minus one day.)

Travelers Insurance offers 1 year rates.
Geico is 6 months.

Traffic Ticket Lawyers:

New York Attorney Matisyahu Wolfberg
New York Attorney Zev Goldstein 845-356-7770
New York Attorney Benjamin Goldman 212-203-3810
New Jersey and New York Attorney Adam H. Rosenblum
New Jersey Attorney Leib Klein 732-987-7040

Great Upstate NY lawyer at very cheap prices.

Not that many parking ticket lawyers!
Parking ticket Non Lawyer (NYC)
Cathy Mei She takes 50% to fight the parking or camera ticket
Office Number 212-349-4978
Fax 646-699-3630

Parking Expert non attorney (718) 384-5052

Non attorney runner

Non attorney runner

10+ Counties in upstate NY have diversion programs, allowing you to dismiss the ticket for a fine and defensive driving class. Conditions and restrictions apply. Check the District Attorney's website for your county: Allegany, Broome, Cayuga, Chenango, Clinton, Franklin, Livingston, Orleans, Otsego, Tioga, and Wyoming.

This wiki is not legal advice, nor the advice of an attorney.

Author Topic: Moving Violation Tickets  (Read 1202205 times)

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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3700 on: December 06, 2020, 08:16:45 PM »
In NJ you get 2 points, if they transfer is a different question.
Even in NYC?
Not in NYC because the TVB is not a court, its an administrative agency. You may have some rights under FOIL.

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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3701 on: December 06, 2020, 08:18:08 PM »
In NJ you get 2 points, if they transfer is a different question.
Even in NYC?
Not in NYC because the TVB is not a court, its an administrative agency. You may have some rights under FOIL.
No rights under foil, they deny based on ongoing legal proceedings...
Totally corrupt.
Needs to be appealed to a court...
Always praying for delayed baggage.

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    • Zev Goldstein Esq. New York Traffic Ticket Lawyer
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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3702 on: December 06, 2020, 09:04:17 PM »
Got a speeding ticket in Tioga county. Seems I can pay $240 and take the online course to get ticket waived. I have a certificate from a course I took with a NJ school 11 months back. Will that work? I'm not using an attorney
The prosecutor (the DA's office) is the one who reviews your submission. Not the court. If you ask the answer will probably be no. If you submit the course to the DA's office, they might catch it, and they might not.

A NJ, local, moving violation, for "careless driving" it has a list of prices on the back,  and doesn't require court. Will it also have points if plead guilty? Will it share with NY? Does go on record? Any suggestions on fighting it?
NJ reports to NY, and NY does nothing with the record. So the answer is no.

I passed my old car on to my daughter.  I filled out the transfer of title, they got insurance on it, I cancelled my car insurance and they drove it away out of state.  A month after they got there, they registered the car in their name.
I got a letter from my insurance company warning of suspension if I don't maintain insurance on my vehicle.
Do I have to do something to tell NY that I no longer own the car?  Or will the computers eventually talk to each other, and I'm in the clear?
NYS DMV will suspend your driver's license forever and ever (ok, the registration will expire eventually) because of the un-insured registration. The computers can talk, but the NYS DMV would prefer to feed the guillotine.

in nassau county. At the end the cop said he wasn't giving me a ticket with points but instead "operating without insurance" since the card I had in the car was expired. He said that if I mail in proof of insurance all will be good.

I mailed in proof and today I got a letter back saying that an insurance card is not enough and I need:

On top of that, the letter said I had a court date:

Now I'm really confused, the cop said one thing, the letter back says something else and if I have a court date then what's with the blue letter?? Can anyone provide any insight? The statute is: VTL 0319 01U

On the road, the insurance car is proof enough that you were insured. Once you don't have proof on the road, there is a presumption that you were not in fact insured. Thats a high bar to jump, and courts have created all types of requirements for this proof in court.

Why is the card not proof? because the cards are mailed out before you pay the premium, and you can cancel mid policy.

The context ("missing context") is this: if you are convicted of this offense, you get a one year revocation of your driver's license, up to a $1,500 fine, and a $750 civil penalty. The severity of the punishment has inspirited the courts to enhance the proof requirements.

Anyone know of a good attorney in the Broom County NY / Binghamton area?
I got a speeding ticket and the court is: Windsor Town Court.
I cannot do the Driving diversion program.
Sometimes you can get an exception to enter the diversion program, even if you don't meet the requirements.

Benjamin Goldman in Monticello - Don't know him personally but it may be worth a shot
Ben Goldman is a good guy. I will add him to the wiki.

I got a "CELL PHONE'' ticket on Garden State Parkway - Middletown Court. The officer claimed I texted, which wasn't true I was talking on my ear Bluetooth. I just took out my phone to call a speed dial. I think the officer didn't even see that. Does anyone know if you can ask the officer for proof/evidence? Any got attorney's for Middletown court?
Unless i am entirely mistaken, "Garden State Parkway - Middletown Court" is NJ. Then we had 2 pages of fist to cuffs over the rules in NY.

Please, make sure you know the jurisdiction in question, or ask. Throwing out an answer without the jurisdiction specified is automatedly wrong and unhelpful because its not correct in other jurisdictions.

Got a cellphone ticket in Monsey NY  Ramapo court for holding a cellphone at face level. The officer admitted I was not talking on it but holding it is the same problem. Should I go down and ask for plea? Will they make it a parking easy? Or should I take lawyer? Also the officer wrote the incorrect time. It was 3:15pm and he wrote 4:15pm. Does that help?
Getting a cell phone (5 points) reduced to a parking ticket is difficult in Ramapo. On the other hand, covid is changing all of the rules, sometimes as often as twice a month.

As for the time, can you prove that you were somewhere else at the date and time of the ticket?

NY 401.4 Fail to produce Registration.
Can I send in a copy of my valid registration?
If its the NYC traffic code charge of "failing to show registration" the fact that you did have registration is not relevant: you are charged with failing to display timely. For the rest of NYS, you can get the charge dismissed with proof of registration. Most courts used to make you appear to hand in the proof. With covid, more is being done by mail.

I got a ticket from a NYS Trooper Upstate for going 54 in a 30 zone. The ticket does not show a $ amount for the fine. Does anyone know how much it will be if I plead guilty?
$300 + $93 + ($0-293) basically, max is close to $700, with 6 points.

if given the choice between a "informal hearing" with a magistrate, which can be appealed to the court, or going straight to a formal hearing in front of a judge is there any sense in choosing the latter?
What state is this from?

I got a Parking Ticket by 185 Hasbrouck Dr. Woodbourne,NY 12788 to the Fallsburg Justice Court, does anyone have an idea where and how to fight this or if there is someone out there to fight this ticket?
See the wiki: check the parking ticket thread.

Friend got a ticket for speeding in Vermont (10 - 20 over the limit) NY license, does he have to worry about points showing on his license? I know NY used to not record the points, sometime I know is claiming otherwise that the states signed something blah blah
The points will not hit your NY license.

Did you find any answers to this? I have a NY license and just got a speeding ticket in Ohio. From what I can tell from the NY DMV (, I shouldn't get any points on my NY license from pleading guilty, though your post made me nervous. Separately, even if I don't get points in NY, does anyone know if my insurance (USAA) will still find out about it and raise my rates?
The points won't hit your NY record.

I got a tkt for 56 on a 30 road, 300$ in FL
Does someone know if makes sense to fight it ? And if yes how ?
Or best to choose option 2 pay half and do the course online ? Cop said no point i choose second option ..
What state is your license from?

can this be dismissed in north brooklyn? officer wrote on the ticket overtaking parking lane (2 vehicles), but wrote in violation of 1123a improper passing, is this a reason to be dismissed? in addition i passed on a parking lane when its actually in a no standing zone between 7-10 time and a bus was blocking both lanes to turn left and 2 cars behind where also waiting there?
In NYC, the text on the ticket is not relevant. What's important is the code charged.

How long after missing a TVB court date do you have to go in and reopen the default conviction?
If your ticket is in fact "default convicted" its very difficult to reopen, and you need to do so in Albany, not in NYC. You might be asking about a suspension for missing a court date. The answer to that question is approx 30 days. You will get a letter with the default date at your last known address.

Received a speeding ticket from a speed cam. No fine as the first one is a freebie.  :)
Not Israel, it was Chicago.  :)
I have to go visit Chicago to get this free ticket. Its unconceivable to us in NY.

I got a ticket for speeding near st louis Mo. I am scheduled for a pre trial next week. Court will be online therefore they aren't inclined to let me postpone. Any ideas of a local lawyer/advocate that would be able to help in such a situation? Either to defend me or to at least push it off?
If you have a FL license, the points transfer from MO.

In most cases, only 2 points will get passed across state lines to your NY or NJ license.
This is only applicable in NJ, and as you see in the next comment, the license in question is from FL.

No rights under foil, they deny based on ongoing legal proceedings...
Totally corrupt.
Needs to be appealed to a court...
TVB is hardly a legal proceeding. Have you tried appealing within FOIL? Yes, suing the city for FOIL material would not be cost effective. 

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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3703 on: December 06, 2020, 09:12:45 PM »
My point is going the discovery/foil route will get you nowhere in NYC, they k ow this and lie just to deny and know 99% will do nothing.
I call that?
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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3704 on: December 06, 2020, 09:25:30 PM »

NY 401.4 Fail to produce Registration.
Can I send in a copy of my valid registration?
If its the NYC traffic code charge of "failing to show registration" the fact that you did have registration is not relevant: you are charged with failing to display timely. For the rest of NYS, you can get the charge dismissed with proof of registration. Most courts used to make you appear to hand in the proof. With covid, more is being done by mail.

I think I sent in proof of registration and it worked.  I'll check my account on line.
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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3705 on: December 06, 2020, 09:25:53 PM »
I passed my old car on to my daughter.  I filled out the transfer of title, they got insurance on it, I cancelled my car insurance and they drove it away out of state.  A month after they got there, they registered the car in their name.
I got a letter from my insurance company warning of suspension if I don't maintain insurance on my vehicle.
I got emails (I'm signed up for reminders) telling me to renew my registration.
I didn't give back the plates, because they went out of town on the car. (I didn't have to worry about anything nefarious happening with them.)
Do I have to do something to tell NY that I no longer own the car?  Or will the computers eventually talk to each other, and I'm in the clear?
NYS DMV will suspend your driver's license forever and ever (ok, the registration will expire eventually) because of the un-insured registration. The computers can talk, but the NYS DMV would prefer to feed the guillotine.
On the DMV website, you can input your insurance information to tell them that the car is insured.
I input the policy number that my daughter now has on the car.  It isn't the same format as NY insurance policies, but I input it anyway.  I checked back a few days later, and all was well.

Thank you Hirshthg for returning, and for all your help!
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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3706 on: December 06, 2020, 09:35:16 PM »
@Hirshthg is the new @cgr .

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    • Zev Goldstein Esq. New York Traffic Ticket Lawyer
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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3707 on: December 06, 2020, 09:39:30 PM »
My point is going the discovery/foil route will get you nowhere in NYC, they k ow this and lie just to deny and know 99% will do nothing.
If the police claim that there are no calibration records for their radar gun, that's great proof at trial for you?

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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3708 on: December 13, 2020, 09:41:39 AM »
I got a cell phone ticket in NJ back in Mar 2019. Hired a lawyer, paid him $500 and he did a plea bargain for (I think) unsafe driving. My current insurance (Liberty Mutual) shot up by renewal for over $1,000 annually. When I called them why it went up so much, the rep. says there is a "CELL PHONE" ticket on your record! Any leads what can be done? Call the lawyer etc.?

I did price it out by other insurance companies like Allstate etc. the quote came back much better (I switched to allstate) does it make sense that exiting insurance companies see things differently then new ones?

Any ideas please pm me

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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3709 on: December 13, 2020, 10:19:34 AM »
I got a cell phone ticket in NJ back in Mar 2019. Hired a lawyer, paid him $500 and he did a plea bargain for (I think) unsafe driving. My current insurance (Liberty Mutual) shot up by renewal for over $1,000 annually. When I called them why it went up so much, the rep. says there is a "CELL PHONE" ticket on your record! Any leads what can be done? Call the lawyer etc.?

I did price it out by other insurance companies like Allstate etc. the quote came back much better (I switched to allstate) does it make sense that exiting insurance companies see things differently then new ones?

Any ideas please pm me
All I can add is that I have seen liberty mutual charge tons more than other companies, even for longstanding customers with good driving history

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    • Zev Goldstein Esq. New York Traffic Ticket Lawyer
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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3710 on: December 13, 2020, 07:29:54 PM »
I got a cell phone ticket in NJ back in Mar 2019. Hired a lawyer, paid him $500 and he did a plea bargain for (I think) unsafe driving. My current insurance (Liberty Mutual) shot up by renewal for over $1,000 annually. When I called them why it went up so much, the rep. says there is a "CELL PHONE" ticket on your record! Any leads what can be done? Call the lawyer etc.?

I did price it out by other insurance companies like Allstate etc. the quote came back much better (I switched to allstate) does it make sense that exiting insurance companies see things differently then new ones?

Any ideas please pm me

Try pulling a copy of your own record. If you paid a lawyer and he lied to you, you may need a different type of lawyer.

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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3711 on: December 13, 2020, 07:40:06 PM »
@Hirshthg is the new @cgr .
Not exactly "New". @Hirshthg has fought a bunch of tickets for me (phone, speeding etc).

I believe its him at least ...  ;)

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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3712 on: December 13, 2020, 09:11:10 PM »
first time cell phone ticket in NYC on NY license any ballpark idea as to how much Geico premium might will go up if guilty?
how long can i reasonably push off a court date?  what r the odds that a lawyer can help in TVB?

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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3713 on: December 14, 2020, 12:19:49 AM »
first time cell phone ticket in NYC on NY license any ballpark idea as to how much Geico premium might will go up if guilty?
how long can i reasonably push off a court date?  what r the odds that a lawyer can help in TVB?
Easy to push it the 1st time.  Less easy, but doable to push it a 2nd time.
(Since it's better to be convicted towards the end of the year, rather than the beginning, try for a final court date then. )
I'd wait until close to the date they set for  your hearing, and go on line to push it off.  They'll give you a date 8-15 months away.  When that date is in sight, you'll need to go down to the DMV and post a $40 bond to push it off again.  Do it.  Eventually go to the hearing. Or plead guilty at last.
Now your conviction will be close to 3 years from when you got caught. 
DMV points will drop off the first January after 3 years after the summons. 
Insurance rates may be affected for I think it's 3-5 years after a conviction.
With no other violations, take a Defensive Driving Course after you're found guilty to lower your points.  IDK Geico, but it should be ok.

In NY there's no plea bargaining.  You're either found guilty or not.  No possibility of lesser charges.
A lawyer can play some game and sometimes get some things done. I haven't yet had a lawyer be successful with any of my tickets.
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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3714 on: December 17, 2020, 09:44:35 AM »
first time cell phone ticket in NYC on NY license any ballpark idea as to how much Geico premium might will go up if guilty?
how long can i reasonably push off a court date?  what r the odds that a lawyer can help in TVB?

Chances with a lawyer are around 50%.

No idea how much insurance will increase.

You can push the case off, but to what end?

Points do not "fall off" a ticket. Look at the wiki for a more accurate explanation.

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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3715 on: December 24, 2020, 10:34:20 PM »
My wife was in an accident in Lakewood, NJ. She was turning from route 9 onto a side street at night and because there was a car already in the intersection opposite her turning in the other direction did not notice a car in the second lane going straight, and hit him. No one hurt. Cops came and issued her with a careless driving summons for a court appearance.

She had a previous careless driving ticket from two years ago that was pleaded (with a lawyer) down to driving in an unsafe manner. She spoke to Mrs. Shain, who told her that hiring a lawyer again will likely result in the same plea down, and that a second instance of driving in an unsafe manner is very bad both from an insurance standpoint and from the standpoint of the risk of getting a third and landing on the unsafe driving list (4 points and high fees).

Is she better off without a lawyer? Paying the ticket and swallowing the points? Or trying (on her own or with a lawyer) to plead to something else?

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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3716 on: December 27, 2020, 09:49:19 AM »
What does she have To loose to try and fight it herself?

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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3717 on: January 11, 2021, 12:39:16 PM »
Any recommendations for a good attorney to fight speeding tickets in NJ?

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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3718 on: January 14, 2021, 12:44:50 PM »
Any recommendations for a good attorney to fight speeding tickets in NJ?
See the wiki

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Re: Moving Violation Tickets
« Reply #3719 on: January 19, 2021, 11:27:21 AM »
I received 3 tickets in NJ near Trenton. Speeding, careless driving and changing lanes without using a signal.

Have  a clean record 15+ years.

Any suggestions on lawyer try to plea by myself? Possible outcomes? Cost of paying vs. cost of lawyer?