Whoa! Confirmed. End of the quarter needing to boost the numbers. This seems to stack with an iPhone SE on us for porting in a number, might be enough to reel me in for another free line.
Still have till the end of the month to make my decision if I should go away from my grandfathered plan.
It will irk me to no end if every second day there's another free line promo and I'm stuck on a 1st responder plan with no discounts or promos, no free phone's...
Tough decision.
But even should I stay, I would need to pay taxes on 3 free lines and hang in with 2gb per line. And hope they can change my SOC code to NAFFTU4 in a years time! Lots of hope which I'm not sure is worth it.
Like meantioned before, paying $50, $30, then $10 addntl.
So $140 plus taxes, and 3 free would be $165 plus taxes, come out to $190 after taxes and one line has unlmtd with another $15 per month at $205.
$205x12 = $2460
And then hope to go for 4 for 120 plus $20 at $160 tops after tax and addntl $15 for the free lines, and still be eligible for all free plans and phones.
Seems it's going to come out a few dollars more for this plan with 5 paid and 3 free after taxes and all, at around $175.
Or dump this whole plan to go to a 1st responders plan for 8 for $160 including taxes and all.
Only $540 of a difference in a years time.
But going a year with 2gb is a killer. Even though I call every month for an increase and an adjustment on my account.
What your guys take? What would you do?