So guys, should we push this off until after pesach?
I can't commit 100% yet, but anyone else up for Sat night?Any DDF wives want to commiserate with mine?
if u want only a small one lets do it now and after pesach ?
If there is and it's in Pico I can most likely go.
It would be nice if Dan could make it, but I live a block from Pico and don't have plans for tomorrow night so it could be last minute.
I can't really ditch my wife for a full fledged DO, but I will definitely try to drop by if you LA guys arrange something over the next few days.
Like I said if any LA people were to shlep their wives so they can commiserate
sorry can't help u out with that for the time being
Getting a wife is not that hard... it's having the opportunity to be considered as an "LA people" that takes real talent!
Burgers bar anyone? Time? Let's make this happen.
Sounds good to me say 10pm? Anywhere is good for me.