That's a great question. I'm not qualified to answer that - though I think it's part of doing due diligence. But since abuse is still a very private matter it's highly unlikely you would be able to uncover anything prior to dating (notwithstanding any obvious flags - such as an OTD sibling); it's definitely something that needs to be disclosed while dating, 100%.
There's that issue again. I want to be clear that anything I've said or am about to say isn't personal. This mindset is a product of a broken system.
False and baseless assumptions, or "red flags," have destroyed the shidduch system. He went to this yeshiva, so he must not like learning. She has an OTD brother, so the family might have an issue with addiction, abuse, or even weak foundations in emunah. This is why we have a transparency issue. This is why people cut off their OTD kids. This is why people don't want to acknowledge or address mental health issues in their families. This is why we have a "runt" issue in the frum world. Pigs discard their runts. We are not supposed to be pigs.
There's a lot more to this, and I'm not sure this is the right time or place to go on a rant. Long story short, that we're discussing sending pictures as an actual issue in the world of shidduchim, as if it ranks anywhere in the top 50 of real problems, is baffling to me.