The Bassman's (his mother) are a wealthy family
What's (horrifically) intriguing is that she was an aguna herself for many years...
What is he aiming to get out this? to get back together?
2 days ago6/19/23A REQUEST The community is appealing to the Wassermann/Bassman family to take action. It is advisable for them to enlist a team of professionals who can aid Dovid in comprehending the finality of his marriage. This crucial step will empower him to liberate himself, his children, and Nechama from the ongoing constraints of this non-existent marriage.
It has been a riveting two weeks since our last update regarding the tumultuous legal journey of Dovid Wasserman. 6/12/23: In an audacious move, and an effort to pause legal proceedings, Dovid Wasserman appealed the court order mandating him to pay $96,000 by 6/14/23 or face incarceration. He simultaneously requested a stay order to suspend the proceedings while his appeal was evaluated by a higher court.6/13/23: Judge Prus overruled the plea from Wasserman's counsel to postpone the 6/14/23 hearing. The reason? Dovid Wasserman’s failure to appear in the appellate court for his appeal and stay order review. The judge declared that Wasserman's presence in his courtroom was mandatory on June 14th at 11:00AM.6/14/23: An arrest warrant was issued for Wasserman when he chose to disregard the judge's explicit orders by not appearing in court. Furthermore, the appeal was dismissed due to filing errors. Although Wasserman's attorney resubmitted it correctly that afternoon, the judge decided to proceed as it was not submitted and reviewed in a timely manner.6/15/23: Wasserman successfully evaded arrest. He was found residing in a new home in Suffern, NY. In an unexpected turn of events, the appeals court partially approved Wasserman's stay order request, mandating him to pay only $48,000, half of the original amount, within the extended deadline of June 27th.CONTEXT AND CLARITYDovid's legal maneuvers, including his appeal and the subsequent retainer fee, are evidently backed by considerable financial assistance. It appears that despite his only known income being a quarterly trust fund distribution from his uncle, Gershon Bassman, he can afford significant legal expenses and a $2,100 monthly rent for his apartment at 16 Pavilion Ridge Way, Unit #1, Suffern, NY 10901. This financial assistance, presumably from his family, is helping him delay court justice and his obligation to give a Gett or face imprisonment. This support must cease.6/22/23: CALL TO ACTIONWe urge the Wassermann/Bassman family to assist Dovid in grasping the finality of his marriage. The enlistment of professionals can provide the necessary guidance and empower him to free himself, his children, and Nechama from the shackles of a defunct marriage.There is still no update on the new court date. Please follow this link and scroll down for real-time updates. Let us pray that Dovid brings an end to this hardship for his family and himself by granting a Gett within the next few days. Upon doing so, the remaining balance will be waived.
Where is this from?
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Why an extra T in gett?
There's a guy that comes to my shul that was known a couple years ago as refusing his wife a get. He disappeared for a while and now came back, but I dont know if he gave her a get or not.Is there a list somewhere of agunos? Or evil men?
Why can’t you ask the rov of your shul? Shouldn’t he be responsible for deciding who can or cannot daven at his shul.
Wasserman isn't on here. Must not be very comprehensive.
There are 18 names on that list. If THE organization to help agunos lists only 18 men in the entire US, then is the issue really something that requires lobbying for systematic change?
Considering that they don't care about facts or halacha, I guess that's a good thing.