Very interesting. Big upgrade from the last one.
Some notes
@27:32 No it is not a big issue that Rabbanim don't agree to a psak כפיה. Many would argue the other way...
Also the psak didn't even say they would allow כפיה לכתחלה.
What in heavens name do they want Rabbis to do at this point? The guy is sitting in jail, he's insane. They want someone to use cattle prods? Let them do it themselves...
ETA sounds like she wants all his relatives to be completely ostracized until she gets a get. If they say they did what they can do, who will start judging if it is enough or not and their kids should be kicked out of school?
@35:10 Great point!
@45:25 No, you can not.
How is the whole systametic change thing gonna help such a situation?