As someone who is BH not closely familiar with this, I read this thread with a sort of "zoomed out" view. The fine text (the detailed posts of halacha, legalities, etc discussed here) are blurred out and all i see is the general topic.
The picture I see is not pretty. What I see is painted in the dark, ugly, and dirty shades of blacks and greys of abuse, aggression, taking advantage of others, bullying, and many other rude behaviors.
And it is so so sad.
I wouldn't blame our generation, because I believe that bad conduct has been occurring for centuries and millennia in some way, shape, or form.
I pray (and hope that you will join me!) that Hashem heal all the afflicted among us, whether physically, spiritually, or more particular to this thread, emotionally and mentally, and may the picture be painted over with the yellows, ivories, and pinks of sunshine, caring, and love for our fellow Jews (and all people). May we all rejoice happily as brothers and sisters, arm in arm, in Yerushalyim Habniya speedily in our days!