I feel like this video answers a lot of questions about the Rebbe / Lubavitch. Once you know how the Rebbe views another Jew, אידך פירושא הואhttps://youtu.be/uI9uXaRgcZ0If the video is too long for you:https://twitter.com/JEMediaOrg/status/1678528418588000256
בהתוועדות שמחת תורה של אותה שנה אמר הרבי כי היו שתהו מדוע היה צריך פתאום ללמד זכות על מרים בת בילגה[2], והסביר זאת באומרו כי באחת הפעמים החל אדמו"ר הזקן ללמד זכות על הורגי הנביא זכריה, ואמר שעשו זאת רק כי לא רצו שינבא על חורבן הבית. לאחר מכן הסביר אדמו"ר הזקן שנכח במקום אדם שנכנסה בו מרוחם של אותם האנשים, וכאשר לימד עליהם זכות – היה זה תיקון לרוחם ויצאה ממנו[3]. בכך סיים הרבי את ההסבר, ממנו הובן שכעין זה היה גם באותה התוועדות.[
where is this from?
it's good to be a Lubavitcher
In the sicha about Miriam bas Bilga, the Rebbe talks about how the ענני הכבוד, that all Jews were encompassed inside even the רשעים.Anyone know if there is a source for that? Rashi tells us by הנחלשים אחריך that it refers to the sinners that the ענני הכבוד spat out. Wondering if there are perhaps conflicting medrashim about this.
It's something the Rebbe mentioned many times, how even micha with his pesel was in the clouds.My understanding: 1. As a rule everyone was included. From time to time people were spat out, but they came back. It doesn't make sense that they would stay 40 years outside the camp... Apparently korach and his men were inside the camp etc.2. Specific people that said "היש ה בקרבנו" were spat out, not other reshaim. Based on rashi shmos 17:8
The תנחומא says it was specifically שבט דן who were spat out because of פסל מיכה! See also Targum Yonasan at the end of כי תצא who says the same.I hear your point about “from time to time”, although the בעל הטורים here doesn’t sound like it:
I hear your point about “from time to time”, although the בעל הטורים here doesn’t sound like it:
תרגום על שיר השירים ב, טו has משמעות that they stayed in the clouds and amalek pulled them outAlso here it brings a ספק חסידים that the came back into the clouds https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://beinenu.com/sites/default/files/alonim/211_60_81.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiO_9qZ3oqAAxVzEFkFHThECXw4FBAWegQICBAB&usg=AOvVaw1-zpgcC-LjNINTH0K6CdQM
This actually proves his point. היה פולט implies that it was from time to time, if they were always out, it would have said polat. #just a quick observation
I hear your point but it’s not muchach as it could mean in a constant way, as in any time they would try to enter.
Wait, wasn't Miriam Bas Bliga a terrible person, on whose behalf her entire Mishmar was punished? (No, I didn't see the clip. Youtube and Twitter are both blocked by my filter)
Nice write up about that:https://www.koltorah.org/halachah/miriam-bat-bilgah-a-revolutionary-approach-of-the-lubavitcher-rebbe-by-rabbi-chaim-jachter
AP dead or Obi dead?