Best way to preserve dollars from the Rebbe?
מעשי ידי משה נצחיים
Was looking around a bit trying to get info on the the symbol used by Hatzaloh (and many others) showing a snake coiled on a rod. Seems to be straight out of Greek mythology I was wondering why Hatzolah would use it. Then I came across this article it says that the Rebbe said not to use it for this reason. I assume that means it isn't featured on the ambulances in Crown Heights? The article says that are many others the don't as well, curious if anyone knows which ones do not.(It could be argued that the Greeks stole the idea from the Torah especially considering that the Torah predates that specific mythology by many centuries.)
Looking at their logos online, it seems like most don't use it.
Looking at their logos online, it seems like most don't use it AT THIS POINT.
so I was wondering why Hatzolah would use it. Then I came across this article it says that the Rebbe said not to use it for this reason. I assume that means it isn't featured on the ambulances in Crown Heights? The article says that are many others the don't as well, curious if anyone knows which ones do not.
I heard that Chabad don't say the birkas haoreach as brought in OC 201. Is there any specific reason for this? (I'm aware MB also queries the common practice but I'm wondering if there is anything Chabad specific.)
See note 26