So you are saying that the Rebbe wasn't smart enough to figure out that after giving the condition Chitrik wouldn't move ahead with the plan?
As I said
(remember, I am my FIL's SIL )
Puff puff pass. Someone forgot the pass part.
The Rebbe obviously didn't want an eruv for Lubavitchers to carry.
I have seen nothing to indicate that the Rebbe was joking about making a b'dieved eruv so that yidden aren't being mechalel shabbos, whether that's in CH, Manhattan, or Melbourne. And it boggles my mind to suggest that this was hyperbole.
And then to suggest the Rebbe was serious about a secret Manhattan and Melbourne eruv, but he was joking about CH, based on you not feeling what the Rebbe said could be possible in one of those 3 cases?!?
What in the world?!?