Is it worth spending $50 more for 512gb instead of 256gb for galaxy s24+?
Sorry for being a bit snarky, but it really just depends if you need an extra 256gb..
I agree with
@Jojo202 can't really tell you should you or should you not, you have to know if you need it. But I will tell you what I do and you can base it off that. Hopefully that will help you decide.
So if you would ask me that question, I would answer like this.
I use my internal storage for my apps and anything that requires internal storage, which I wouldn't be able to put on an SD card per se. This means I'm using an s23 now, which doesn't have any external storage capabilities. So for pictures, videos and all the other stuff which I don't need stored on my phone, I have for example OneDrive where it's stored and actually saved in case my phone falls into the ocean or even smashed by a garbage truck cv. The idea is that my pictures and the rest of the device are backed up.
Now, should you not want to pay for cloud storage, whether it be Google, Microsoft, or any other Cloud storage, then yes, go for bigger storage, which you won't have to pay that extra fee.
Technically that additional gig would be helpful for me on my device and I wouldn't have to pay for cloud storage, though I enjoy the convenience of having cloud storage that way I don't have to worry about my device.
I for example i have the, family one drive where I share it with family members divided by 6 which makes it pretty cost-efficient and a no-brainer for $10-15 a year for 1 TB of storage and office apps. ( Yes, there are always deals on with pretty decent savings to get it for the year at a decent price. I stacked like six seven years or even more. That reminds me, I have to see if I activated all my codes that I bought back a few years ago.