When you have an argument who gets credit for the market going up you need goalposts.
Do you really think I would give Biden credit for ME peace that happened in first few months of his admin?
Whenever anyone else starts with any reason why some random goalposts are not a good barometer you start with your statements of how important they are and how it makes no difference as long as goalposts. Here is no different.
Besides, as long as there is an argument to be made of how Biden policies caused the generally high prices there were before the Ukraine crisis started then there is the argument to blame for this too. Had the supply not been as tight to start with then this would not have had as much of an effect. When we are in a situation without any leeway that causes these bumps to have an outsized effect. if the entire crisis can be blamed on him with an argument that we would not have gotten here under the previous admin then the effects of the crisis are also on him.
These are possible rational arguments, but I don't agree with all aspects of them.