As long as you have to plan where you are going to charge before leaving on a trip, a large percentage of people will be hesitant.
In other words, it's not enough to have just enough chargers. If you want to get anyone other than "early adopter" types you have to either make that it requires no more thought than I put into filling up on gas, or make it so much better/cheaper than a gas car that people are willing to put up with the inconvenience.
It takes less planning than getting gas, the GPS directs you straight to the charger. You can also decide to go to the next charger the same way you can decide to push it to the next gas station.
or make it so much better/cheaper than a gas car that people are willing to put up with the inconvenience.
99% of the time you don't need to think about it or go out of your way to fill up, you just plug in whenever you get home.
Also, you are right that if everything goes right people have where to charge. But what about when things don't work? What if there is a blackout on my block the night before I leave on a road trip? Or if I have to take an unexpected detour? Or if I decide last minute to go to a simcha, but have been driving all day and am on empty? Or if someone blocks my driveway, so I can't park in my garage and charge?
In order for this to be an issue you need to have (mostly) drained your battery the day before, and plan a road trip the next day. You also need this rare scenario to fall out on the rare occasion that you have a blackout. This is an extremely unlikely scenario, to put it mildly. Even if this scenario did play out the consequences are far from devastating, you'll have to stop at a public charger on the way out.
If you're looking for a far-fetched scenario, there are times that gas stations lose power and can't pump gas either. Remember Hurricane Sandy?
As far as your driveway, I'm not familiar with Brooklyn politics.
To be clear, I understand why you would think this way, I also thought this way until recently. It's probably a mix of fear of the unknown (what if...) and FUD.