Oh for sure - LinkedIn has good uses; I even got my current job through LinkedIn.
Yet somehow every time I open LinkedIn I crack up...
- the selfie videos sitting in the car talking about some deep sounding high school motivational nonsense
- the highly personal posts about how many times they pooped that day
- the inane brainless banter in the comments; where frum men and women who wouldn't even make eye contact in real life just shoot the breeze
- the highly controversial posts where it seems like they're really trying hard to alienate as many potential clients/employees/employers as possible
- how someone with 14 months in an industry calls themselves a Director of XYZ (C level positions are when they get 19 months experience)
- and other hilarities that I can't think of at the moment
In a sentence, frum people decided to use LinkedIn as a kosher Facebook.
Initially you had to actually have a connection to someone to connect at LinkedIn.
Connections were real people we made over the years, working and yes I did work at IDT as a teenager
But I used to get so many random connection requests, i also understand many people who rejected or ignored my requests.
I agree that so much of it is fluff, I have no secular education but worked in many industries over the years, I started in eCom in a summer job in ch in 1999 helping this guy sell books on a 56k modem scanning images haha..
20 years later I pursued some very big contracts with the assistance of industry leaders, friends in fortune 500 companies and such.
No heimish consultant has this type of knowledge and class.
Also, how is every one an influencer?!? I never go on LinkedIn anymore