I’ll take yours for $51, earns you $1 and the UR on $100 spend (:
I'll sell you $1
Offered here first
anyone knows if you can overpay a t-mobile account to reflect on future moths
Nope. You’re offering $50 payment to your account for $1.I’m offering to buy a spend-$100-get-$50-back offer for $51.In my case the seller ends up net $1, in your case they end up net -$49.
How long is it taking for Chase to credit the offer to your account?
3-7 days, check redeemed offers and see if it registered
It takes 3-7 days for it to show up at all or should it show up right away under redeemed?
it took 3 to 7 days for me to get a credit, I believe even before the credit shows you should be able to see it under redeemed offers.
Need your LG Exalt fixed? Cracked in half? Water damage? Or parts to repair yourself. 347.201.2501
Did you try doing more then four times for one account?
I successfully applied more than 4 offers on my T-mobile account.Anyone still have this offer and want to sell at 50% of T-mobile credit?
is the offer still active?
There’s reportedly another Chase T-mobile floating around, spend $100 (2x $50) get $50 back. Looking to stock up at $60/$100 spend.