Welcome to Antwerp...😂😂😂
Bassar in Paris: Didn't go because we simply didn't have a chance but the guy who poured the non mevushal wine for us at L'Intte gave us a card for bassar and said he's the owner there. I went into Rodchenko as its in The Marais. It was midafternoon and nobody was there. The place has very good reviews and I'm confident it's good but it simply didn't appeal to me when I knew there were the Kavod and Bazar options. One day I'd like to try.
Damyel vs Belgian: Damyel is amazing in that its (virtually?) all pareve. The milkiness of the Belgian dairy ones is immediately evident. Damyel also has a pretty small selection whereas picking just from the kosher lists you have a lot in Belgium (and then we saw their stores all over The Netherlands too).
Tmendy: Beer in Brugges: Yeah there are a million options but all I was looking for was a single beer post-dinner and I always find these places that have countless quality options to be overwhelming. That's why I liked my hole in the wall place. One incredible option that can only be had there.
Antwerp: I went to Hoffy's knowing it was more touristy oriented and I'm happy I did. The person who gave me some Antwerp advice the weeks before I left told me that one of these other places was his favorite but one day on another trip.... This was on my backup of things to do there if I had time but alas didn't
https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/st-annas-tunnelSuperFlyer: Need to try Hauser. Thanks for the tip.