No organization found him. A yid who cares, just like the hundreds of others who were searching and the thousands who stopped to say some tehillim, found him.
If what I heard is true, and frankly, it is immaterial, the person is a Hatzalah member. A few months ago, my son had severe croup on a Friday night. Those who have experienced it will know it is terrifying. Your child literally is wheezing, struggling for every breath. This Hatzalah member responded and took us to the hospital. I cannot express just how calming and kind he and his fellow Hatzalah members were. After a few hours in the hospital we came home, B"H.
Later that Shabbos afternoon, there was a knock on the door. It was this "yid who cares" checking up on my son.
A month later, and once again my son got severe croup. Again, this yid was the responding Hatzalah member, and again we were in the hospital for a few hours before returning home. That afternoon I got a text from this "yid who cares" asking how my son was doing.
Truly a yid who cares.