I felt embarrassed under both, but that's just me I guess.
Trump deserves credit for the development and Biden for not botching Trump's plans for the rollout.
Do you really think Biden is the one who made the tactical plan of closing Bagram and using KBL?
it's good to be a Lubavitcher
Obama deserves credit for the development and Biden for not botching Obama's plans for the rollout.
some yes and others "people that want to fight for you" + "for your country"(should I remind you about the white rage?)
Where is Harris?
what type of person (personality) is interested in being a president?what type of person (personality) is interested in being a Cop?what type of person (personality) is interested in being a soldier?what type of person (personality) is interested in being a politician?you get a mix ofpeople that want to fight for youpeople that want you to fight for thempeople that want to control youבמקום שאין איש..........Im just trying to wrap my head why we have such low quality representation
Did Sharon leave the settlers and collaborators behind in Gaza before pulling out? Must have missed that.
Daniel Eleff for President 2024Now which DDFer should be the running mate?
The army dragged them out by force. Did you expect the US military to do that to Americans in Afghanistan?
Hundreds of millions of dollars were found in the home of escaped Afghan president.
That’s what he left behind. He took a boatload or three of cash with him. What’s a few hundred million anyway when you’re counting trillions? Just ask anyone in Congress porking up the infrastructure bill...
Now in the hands of the Taliban. Who needs the frozen accounts anyhow?
What Difference, At This Point, Does It Make?'
lol @ typical Democrat speak.