It's not a short period of time, it's less than a second. For him to stop and take stock would be long after the 4th shot in such a high pressure situation. If he was justified in taking the first shot, he was justified for all 4. No way to process that JR was hit in the pelvis and immobilized until after the 4th shot. You've clearly passed the reasonable doubt bar a long time ago.
The only thing the prosecution can claim is that he was a provocateur and forfeited his right to self defense.
That's why they're trying so hard to find a clip of him raising his gun. But they have nothing, let alone enough to pass reasonable doubt.
I'm surprised the defense didn't push this, but provocation that negates your self defense privileges needs to be actions against the law. If he had broken the law by being there with a gun, or raising the gun, he would have been charged for those misdemeanors. All the misdemeanors were dropped. They were left with nothing.
He didn't break the law, he was in imminent danger. He was allowed to defend himself with deadly force.