You mean like the charging like a bull and diving BS? 
They have played fast and loose/lied but have not been called out on it. I wonder why that is in this thread, NOT!!!
There is a difference between providing an argument or a story to present your case and a lie. Every defense lawyer will try spin the evidence to create a story that exonerates their client, and the prosecution will do the same. The judge allowed for this and overruled objections from both sides even when the arguments stretched credibility - he's leaving it for the jury to decide. But then there are lies, for instance, "guns don't have a handedness." I'm no firearms buff by any stretch, but even I know that's simply not true. If you have a lie the defense made, by all means, point it out.
In any case, the motion is not about lies, but about using evidence that wasn't submitted to the defense. IANAL, but it seems from what I'm reading that that is grounds for a mistrial. And calling the difference between high res and low res a nothingburger beggars belief.
This is not video resolution, and I'm not an expert in the field, but I think this will give you an idea. here is a full resolution image:
Here's the full res:
Here is the same image, but in the 1920 pixel resolution the prosecution was using (I maintained aspect ratio, so the shorter side is much larger, 1275, than the prosecution's 844)

Zoom in and you can see people's faces and all kinds of details.
Here is the same image in 480 x 318 (prosecutions video is 480 x 212)

Zoom in and what do you see?