I can't access that link, so have no idea what it says.
Paraphrasing...Given that so many have come forward, we can't make excuses as if this didn't happen. And then he committed suicide rather than face victims and courts.
1. Walder didn’t write book about math or science, he wrote about morality. He set himself up to be a moral compass for our children, but wasn’t able to keep his own moral compass.
His books speak to our minds and souls, but you don’t know which stories are about one of his victims who went to him at the most vulnerable point in their life, and then he abused them.
The children who say I’m the Yael, I’m the Rivkah, I’m the Leah, that he went on to abuse, they’re not going to come forward, but we know that their stories are told in these books.
2. If you think your children are too young and won’t know what he did, eventually they will know. And then they’ll ask you if you know that he was a sexual predator and when you say you did, they will ask why you read them his books. Perhaps you'll answer that it’s a grey area, but you’re setting yourself up for failure because there is no grey area for abuse, for someone who pretends to do something for Hashem’s sake, but really it’s for their own twisted desires.
3. When we say we want to hear the stories of victims and they should feel safe to come forward. This story has triggered emotions in victims who say that they would burn his books, as he used them to gain money and fame and gain access to vulnerable children. His own family is thus a victim and anyone who brought his books into their home is also a victim.
Even though he decided to leave this world, leaving survivors with no closure and no way to confront their abuser, we can say to his victims and all abuse victims that we as a community don’t stand for this and we will eradicate the evil from within us and we take it out of our homes. We have to make sure children know there is no grey area and we can’t tolerate or forgive abuse or keep any remnant as part of our lives.