"The answer is not to defund the police, it's to fund them"
Interestingly enough, he said he'll cure cancer (to an extent), which Trump also said, but I believe never did.
"I am more optimistic about America today then I've ever been." - I wish I could agree
"We are stronger today than we were a year ago, and we'll be stronger in a year from now, than we are today." - Maybe the opposite...
On a positive note, he did manage to speak like a "healthy" human being almost the whole time.
Interestingly, he didn't mention January 6.
GOP response: Kim Reynolds of IowaBlasts Biden, saying Inflation/crime way up.
Blasts Biden on Afghanistan withdrawal/Russian invasion.
"Dems pushed inflation to a 40-year high.
Says the solution to the current economy isn't paying people to not work.
Says people are tired of censorship, tired of Dems saying telling parents they don't have a say in their kids education.
Blasts Dems for making mandates, and then vacationing in Florida.
Biden Admin requires vaccines for workers, but not for illegal immigrants.
Says GOP fought the same virus, but also protected freedoms.
"Republicans ACTUALLY follow the science."
"It has never been more important to say out loud. Parents Matter"
"We've Actually gone to the border". - OUCH!!
"No surprise that out of top 20 states with lowest unemployment rates, 17 of them have republican governers".