$30.49 shipped.Not valid for NYC rentals.
Dan, can the 7 certs be combined to use on a single week Rental? And do they work for a minivan rental?
Yes.They work for up to a premium. Most locations will let you switch to a minivan from Premium for free.
I will buy the 7. Can I chase quick pay or PayPal you now?
1 free day cert expiring 4/30: $30 shippedUp to 7 free day certs expiring 6/30: $40/day shipped
I have 8 certs expiring 4/30 (bought them last year and couldn't find them, just found them Pesach cleaning...)Seems like the rental needs to start by 4/30I'd like to recoup the $30 I spent but I'll consider any offer
PM me.7 days on 1 rental, premium class.
What if I have a 2 week rental. Will I be able to use 7 certs and they will just charge me for the remaining 7 days?
Could I use certs if I'm under 25 ? (i need usaa... Could I put the certs and has a together ? )
👆 גם אני מצטרף להנ״ל I have 7 of these, expiring 4/30. I'll consider any offer of any [reasonable] price; please PM me.