I stand corrected.
Apparently, the "big-time frum Amazon seller" I was quoting was... yuneeq! I just put the pieces together and realized that he was the one I met once who told me about his experience.
It was a few years ago, though, so my memory must be fuzzy.
I can explain the discrepancy.
At the individual level Amazon was not really helpful, and I didn’t expect them to be. My goal was to feed journalists with info that showed how much harm Amazon was causing, and along with other negative press, would hopefully force Amazon to make reforms. It took a very long time, but most of the biggest issues have been addressed in the last 1-2 years. Amazon is still not not perfect by any means, but they’re light years ahead of 3-4 years ago.
Would like to add - it’s really not hard to get quoted by press if you contact them directly about things you know well.