Any more recent dp on how early to arrive at the airport? I have a 11:45am flight Monday.
Also, I have a duffel bag, where is the separate line for that? By checkin or security?
I had this exact date and time a week ago.
Family of 7. Arrived at 8:30. Lines were to the door but moving. Security officers were going up and down the line pulling people out.
Then we got pulled out after 20 min. I was like, oh goes nothing. Turns out they were just trying to expedite the line . We did a walk and talk. He called someone to bring over tags and we were on to checkin.
No was in the sky priority lane. Then onto duffel bag loading. Security, passport control.
We were through by 9:30.
Spent the next 1.5 hours exploring the play area in each concourse