
Which party would you vote for if you had a chance to vote in the 2022 Israeli Elections?

Likud [Netanyahu]
3 (8.3%)
Yesh Atid [Lapid]
0 (0%)
National Unity [Ganz]
0 (0%)
Shas [Deri]
4 (11.1%)
Jewish Home [Shaked]
0 (0%)
Labor [Michaeli]
0 (0%)
UTJ [Gafni/Goldknop]
20 (55.6%)
Yisrael Beiteinu [Leiberman]
0 (0%)
RZP-OY [Smotrich/Ben Gvir]
5 (13.9%)
An Arab Party
4 (11.1%)
Meretz [Galon]
0 (0%)
Tzeirim Boarim [Muchtar]
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 36

Author Topic: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll  (Read 4558 times)

Offline Moshe Green

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2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« on: September 17, 2022, 03:48:28 PM »
Here's a rundown of the party lists after closing last week.
Likud [Netanyahu]- Right, Conservative leaning
Yesh Atid [Lapid]- Center, Progressive
National Unity [Ganz]- Centrists
Shas   [Deri] - Center, Conservative, Sefardi
Jewish Home [Shaked] - Right
Labor [Michaeli] - Left, Progressive   
UTJ [Gafni/Goldknop] - Right, Conservative, Hareidi Ashkenazi/Chassidish
Yisrael Beiteinu [Leiberman] - Progressive, Russian
RZP-OY [Smotrich/Ben Gvir] - Right, Conservative, Religious Zionist
Hadash-Ta'al [?] - Left, Arab   
Meretz [Galon] - Left, Progressive   
Ra'am [?] - Left, Arab
Balad [?] - Left, Arab   
Tzeirim Boarim [Muchtar] - New party for the youth
There are a few more but the polls don't give them a chance...

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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2022, 08:53:51 AM »
Election day is Tuesday. Vote now to avoid disappointment!

Offline Moshe Green

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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2022, 05:45:27 AM »
Today is the day. Vote now or forever hold your peace!

Offline Pony

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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2022, 09:22:18 AM »
Rav Avigdor Miller on Likud Versus Labor
What’s the Rav’s opinion of the Likud party versus the Labor party in Israel?


I must tell you my sincere opinion – I’m not interested in either of them. There’s only one party for us and that’s the party of those that are sh’lomei emunei Yisroel. That’s our party. The frum Jews, that’s our party.

The truth is that someday there will be a history written; there will be a Tanach written.  The gemara says that: אליהו כותב והקב״ה חותם – Eliyahu HaNavi is going to write it and Hakodosh Boruch Hu will sign (Kiddushin 70a). There’s going to be a great Tanach written and in that Tanach you’ll look in the back or in the front for references; you’ll want to see who is mentioned in this book. Likud? No; no mention of Likud! Nothing! You won’t find Teddy Kollek there either. You won’t find Ben Gurion. No, nothing will be mentioned of them. Nothing at all.

The history of Am Yisroel is being written by the frum Jews. They are the ones who make history – the frum men and frum women.  The ones who are raising families, they’re writing history.  A mother brings up a family of sons and daughters, sh’lomei emunei Yisroel, she has made history and she’ll be in that history book. Yes, women will be in that history book. Tzadikim and tzidkaniyos, frum men and women – not only gedolei Yisroel.  ויד כל אדם בו – Everybody’s hand will write in that history book something. Every person will someday be in the history book and it will be a very well written history.  Eliyahu HaNavi knows how to write. And all the tzadikim will be there, but nobody else! Likud, Labor, all of them will be left out.

Now, some people think it’s not a real Jewish history unless it mentions also the names of this Reformer, of that Zionist, of this other fellow. No! These are just accidents of history, tragedies, and they’ll be left out. Now, Hakodosh Boruch Hu will ‘take care’ of them, don’t worry about that! He won’t leave them out from getting what they deserve. Oh yes, he’ll ’take care’ of them! He has something in store for them! But they won’t be in the history book of the Am Yisroel. In that great Tanach, only the sh’lomei emunei Yisrael will be inscribed.

TAPE # E-55 (April 1996)

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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2022, 11:32:34 AM »
If the voting on Dans Deals in indicitave of the voting in Israel then Gimmel and Shas will be able to form a government together with over 61 seats!

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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2022, 11:40:58 AM »
Now, some people think it’s not a real Jewish history unless it mentions also the names of this Reformer, of that Zionist, of this other fellow. No! These are just accidents of history, tragedies, and they’ll be left out. Now, Hakodosh Boruch Hu will ‘take care’ of them, don’t worry about that! He won’t leave them out from getting what they deserve. Oh yes, he’ll ’take care’ of them! He has something in store for them! But they won’t be in the history book of the Am Yisroel. In that great Tanach, only the sh’lomei emunei Yisrael will be inscribed.
2 thoughts.

1. Tanach absolutely 100% talks about all Jews, not just the "frum" so I don't see how that makes any sense. Literally the worst of the worst, much wore than reform today, are in Tanach.

2. It's amazing to see the stark difference of how The Rebbe talked about reform Jews and how Rav Avigdor Miller talked about them. I forgot what a good mussar schmooze sounds like, and I remember how thankful I am to be raised with another view point on non-frum (yet) Jews.
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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2022, 11:44:46 AM »
Just like Trump, these elections will (have already) be(en) decided based on mechanics and technicalities (which bode well for the Jewish/Democratic bloc and bad for the Anti-Jewish/Bolshevik bloc).

No הסכמי עודפים for Lieberman or the Arabs. Labor, Meretz, and 3 Arab parties very close to the threshold. And then there's Shaked whose staying in the race keeps those that vote for her (she has no chance to pass the threshold) from voting for Gantz or Lapid. The 5 parties that are close to the threshold are in a serious bind. Getting more people to vote for them increases the absolute count needed in order to pass it.
I've been waiting over 5 years with bated breath for someone to say that!
-- Dan

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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2022, 11:55:52 AM »
2 thoughts.

1. Tanach absolutely 100% talks about all Jews, not just the "frum" so I don't see how that makes any sense. Literally the worst of the worst, much wore than reform today, are in Tanach.

2. It's amazing to see the stark difference of how The Rebbe talked about reform Jews and how Rav Avigdor Miller talked about them. I forgot what a good mussar schmooze sounds like, and I remember how thankful I am to be raised with another view point on non-frum (yet) Jews.
Reading the excerpt quoted, it sounds like R Miller was talking about the continuity of Klal Yisroel coming from within frumkeit. And that all other movements won't be a factor in our future.
There were Tzedukees, Pharisees, etc.  But OUR halacha and hashkafa are the mesora we live with.
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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2022, 12:42:27 PM »
TBH, most of the campaigning I see from Shas and UTJ almost causes me to puke.

The only thing that should matter was quite succinctly said here:

I've been waiting over 5 years with bated breath for someone to say that!
-- Dan

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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2022, 12:49:32 PM »

National Unity [Ganz]- Centrists

Without commenting on your labeling (which I think is wrong) how in the world did you get to translate המחנה הממלכתי into "National Unity"? The correct translation is "The Stately Camp" (obviously self-proclaimed and has nothing to do with reality).

ETA: Did you take your translations/definitions from https://www.jpost.com/israel-elections/article-720785 ?
It's a very tight race as to which are less trustworthy, Israeli politicians or Israeli Media (with the latter probably taking the lead).
I've been waiting over 5 years with bated breath for someone to say that!
-- Dan

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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2022, 01:51:59 PM »
Just like Trump, these elections will (have already) be(en) decided based on mechanics and technicalities (which bode well for the Jewish/Democratic bloc and bad for the Anti-Jewish/Bolshevik bloc).

No הסכמי עודפים for Lieberman or the Arabs. Labor, Meretz, and 3 Arab parties very close to the threshold. And then there's Shaked whose staying in the race keeps those that vote for her (she has no chance to pass the threshold) from voting for Gantz or Lapid. The 5 parties that are close to the threshold are in a serious bind. Getting more people to vote for them increases the absolute count needed in order to pass it.

Here's a tweet from a left winger that seems to understand (though he might not understand that it is all בחסדי הקב"ה) and is therefore lamenting.

I've been waiting over 5 years with bated breath for someone to say that!
-- Dan

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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2022, 01:57:57 PM »
Here's a tweet from a left winger that seems to understand (though he might not understand that it is all בחסדי הקב"ה) and is therefore lamenting.

this is the bracha. ( and again Olmert came out and said he offered the Arabs everything they wanted and they still did not take the deal).

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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2022, 02:21:33 PM »
Reading the excerpt quoted, it sounds like R Miller was talking about the continuity of Klal Yisroel coming from within frumkeit. And that all other movements won't be a factor in our future.
There were Tzedukees, Pharisees, etc.  But OUR halacha and hashkafa are the mesora we live with.

This is so freaking obvious. Of course our history makes mention of the bad apples, but not coloring them as sweet ones. 

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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2022, 02:29:32 PM »
The 5 parties that are close to the threshold are in a serious bind. Getting more people to vote for them increases the absolute count needed in order to pass it.

In case I wasn’t clear enough. This situation is a self imposed checkmate against the left wing. No campaign from any right wing party could affect things more strongly in their favor.
I've been waiting over 5 years with bated breath for someone to say that!
-- Dan

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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2022, 04:10:36 PM »
Exit polls give bloc Netanyahu 62/61 bloc Lapid 54/55
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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2022, 04:17:58 PM »
One thing we can all hope for is that Netanyahu's block will remain united in the Coalition at least to the extent they were united when in the Opposition.
I've been waiting over 5 years with bated breath for someone to say that!
-- Dan

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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2022, 04:32:02 PM »
Where can we see the actual results ?
In the past exit polls have been inaccurate.

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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2022, 04:34:41 PM »
Where can we see the actual results ?
In the past exit polls have been inaccurate.
This is the official site. No reporting, as of yet

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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2022, 04:44:12 PM »
In case I wasn’t clear enough. This situation is a self imposed checkmate against the left wing. No campaign from any right wing party could affect things more strongly in their favor.

Things are actually looking much closer than anticipated. If בל"ד (which is not very far from the threshold) ends up over the threshold it changes the picture. אין לנו על מי להשען אלא על אבינו שבשמים (was always the case).
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Re: 2022 Israeli Election + Poll
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2022, 04:57:12 PM »
2 thoughts.

1. Tanach absolutely 100% talks about all Jews, not just the "frum" so I don't see how that makes any sense. Literally the worst of the worst, much wore than reform today, are in Tanach.

2. It's amazing to see the stark difference of how The Rebbe talked about reform Jews and how Rav Avigdor Miller talked about them. I forgot what a good mussar schmooze sounds like, and I remember how thankful I am to be raised with another view point on non-frum (yet) Jews.

Not to denigrate any other point of view, but for me personally, it's so refreshing to have someone like Reb Avigdor Miller who fearlessly said things the way they are and didn't whitewash anything.