Did anyone read Live Free or Die by John Ringo?
https://smile.amazon.com/Live-Free-Troy-Rising-Book/dp/1439133328I read this some time ago (was published early 2010), and one of the things that struck me was his description of humanity's reaction to a pandemic.
The disease first manifested as a pimple on the wrist, and so it stayed for about two weeks. After that, the person dies horribly. Turns out the pimple had a parasite which gestated for that time, then quickly spread. But - you could pop the pimple and disinfect, and nothing would happen.
So he describes how disinfectant disappears from the shelves, and how scalpers were charging ridiculous amounts for it, and how scientists and doctors tried to get the message out that soap and water was fine too. And how a third or so of humanity dies anyway out of distrust for what the government was saying.
Fast forward to the end (not sure, but I think the whole trilogy), and it turns out that an alien force had bioengineered the diseases specifically for humans. When asked why they made it so avoidable (all you needed was proper hygiene), they responded that they intended to enslave humanity, but wanted to weed out the dumb ones first.
The parallels to COVID are uncanny. (Hopefully no aliens this time.)