Ok let me be more specific i want a tender and fatty cut
Anyone have a good crock pot pot roast that can stay in for a shabbos day meal?
My sister makes thisfrozen brisket (need to take out of Styrofoam packaging before freezing 1 bottle of bbq sausecut up onionwater to coverput crockpot on low
Apparently they are the same temperature .High just gets there faster
This is not true.
You sure it can be on low the whole time? Usually meat needs to go on high for a little in croc pots
any good ideas for a french roast that wont dry it out and wont make it tough?
Mix about a cup of oil with spices and herbs that you like (generously. I do salt, pepper, crushed garlic, onion powder, mustard powder, paprika, Chile powder, whatever else strikes my fancy). Brush a layer over roast. Broil, brushing with oil mixture and flipping over every 15 minutes until you reach desired internal temp. It's a hit every time!
Basic recipe for flanken? Can you just salt pepper sear and cook covered? Thanks.
olive oil , S&P. take garlic cloves cut in half and lay it on the meat. cover and let cook for a few hours.
cholent recipe