I'm mainly looking to get the texture of a bakery challah. The freshness I think is a byproduct of that. I could be wrong and it's just chemicals, but I still am looking how to get the texture.
I do enjoy fresh homemade challah more than the bakery ones often. But there are times when I want that fluffy softness that I only see in bakery ones. They have an entirely different texture. Especially when it comes to water challah. As ushdadue said
I have yet to have a homemade water challah.
I was just curious if anyone knew what they do different. I find my current challah recipe just fine. It's most probably this
The texture differences are due to use of industrial equipment
Wondering if there's a way to replicate it.
@Mikes@Micro I store after baking in ziploc in freezer. I find when freezing dough that it doesn't rise well after.