At least they're admitting it now?
Irish, I take it?
What program is this?
Dublin City Councilor Punam Rane said in a council meeting Monday evening that the US economy is run by the Jews and Israel, and that is why Washington doesn’t oppose Israel’s war on Hamas.“USA or America should have taken a stance, but how many of you know the entire US economy today is ruled by the Jews, by Israel, they will never be able to take a stance,” says the Fine Gael party councilor, speaking about the war in Gaza, which has spread to multiple other fronts.“It will cripple the whole US economy if they take a stance, and therefore they’re afraid of taking a stance, that’ll never happen unless and until the global powers that are emerging take a stance themselves and make the US take a stance, and that’s what’s happening,” she continues.Another councilor, Conor Reddy, asks the mayor to request that Rane “clarify her remarks on Jews controlling the American economy.”In his denunciation of Rane’s remarks, Reddy argues that Zionism is distinct from Judaism: “That’s tremendously unhelpful, we’re all here in solidarity with Palestine… To equate Judaism and Zionism is a complete fallacy, it’s wrong, and I think we all stand against antisemitism and it would be helpful if she could withdraw that particular use of words.”Rane doubles down on her claim about Israel controlling the US economy in her clarification.“I didn’t actually mean a particular community, ” she says, “but I’m just saying, today the US economy is ruled by the Israelis, it’s not wrong, they have worked hard for it.”Today, Rane apologizes on X, writing: “I completely withdraw my comments made at last night’s city council meeting in relation to a motion on the Occupied Territories Bill. It was wrong and I fully apologise for it.”Ireland has long been a vocal critic of Israel in Europe. Ireland’s new chief rabbi said that the pro-Palestinian sentiment often “spills into overt antisemitism.”
Notorious Antisemite Louis Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam dead at 91. May his name be obliterated