Against better judgment:
Who said that "Modern Orthodox beliefs are all not based in Toirah at all" and they, "can't be accepted no matter what"? It wasn't me.
I said that they weren't Torah-True. Do you believe that Modern Orthodox schools run al pi das Torah? Which Gedoilim do they ask before they open a school? Do they ask those Rabbanim everytime there is a major policy decision?Please read the whole thread. The "trashing" that you mention was a comment or two based on the fact that they are not Torah-True schools (that's the name of the thread). I don't consider it bashing but speaking out the facts to let the OP (who was worried about the cost of tuition) know the type of school that he is thinking of sending his kids to. Do you consider that "trashing"?
You make broad sweeping statements, and then when called out, make up your own distinctions and expect everyone else to go with them like they are established facts on the ground. So Torah True and based on Torah are two different gedarim which we should all understand at the outset. You did the same thing when defining MO. First you said MO who only want to send kids to Ivy League schools and don't care about Torah, and then later classified these schools "liberal Moden Orthodox" (whatever that means), and not "chas veshalom" frum MO.
How is anyone supposed to discuss anything based on your own made-up criteria that keep shifting. Which "gedolim" were asked before school XYZ opened in Lakewood, Brooklyn, or Yerushalayim? Do they all meet your approval? Of course every school has its own leadership and hashkafah. You maligned ALL MO charging 20k as not "Torah True" which is absolutely trashing them. You have no idea if the Chareidi schools you are championing as a whole have Daas Torah they consult or how they make decisions, you just made up distinctions out of whole cloth and maligned tens of thousands of Jews who are frum, ehrliche Yidden dedicated to "Torah True" hashkafos.
You have absolutely no idea which schools charge what tuition. There are numerous frum schools that charge more than that for tuition. And yes, calling self proclaimed Orthodox schools not "Torah True" - even if you are correct - would absolutely be trashing them.
I believe that there are people putting words in my mouth (and mind reading) based on their preconceived notions of what is ok and not ok to speak out. If everyone would just calm down, take a deep breath, take a step back, and take a good look, we could all agree on most of what was said. Maybe we disagree on the way it was said, but i think that we would all agree on 99% of the facts.
No one is putting words into your mouth, you just keep changing what the words you say mean. If anything, we have undersold how inflammatory your statements are. MO is not Torah True, only cares about Ivy League schools but not Torah, doesn't want to grow in Yiddishkeit, children will likely go "off the derech", marry out, and who knows what else.