Retarded? Here we go again.
In some cultures, they mutilate a newborn male not for medical reasons but for some insane ritual. That is sickening.
calling a harmless procedure mutlation doesnt make it such, even if u "identify" it that way
Every major respected medical profession/institution. Of course, that is meaningless to the mutilation crowd.
every single one? LOL
Having a medically approved procedure to help someone is not referred to as mutilation. Many women with or without breast cancer would be offended by your comments.
u keep on repeating the same "medicaly approved" nonsense
the fact is they are damaging ppl by cutting off their body parts.
that is mutilation, regardless of what anyone feels
im sorry if some ppl are offended, but facts dont care about feelings
I am not pretending anything. Do a simple search and you will see articles calling it mutilation. Gender affirming care is warranted, approved and helps in certain cases. This is back up by numerous articles already posted. These are from highly respect places like the Mayo clinic. Now tell me who is the one pretending?
everything that every respected institution says must be true?
like the CDC?
like masking prevents covid?
if it says it on the internet it forsure must be true....

Then stop doing it to a newborn. What kind of sick individual would mutilate a newborn!!! 
none. jews dont harm or damage their newborns
A quick google search returned: Gender-affirming care is medically necessary, evidence-based care that uses a multidisciplinary approach to help a person transition from their assigned gender – the one the person was designated at birth – to their affirmed gender – the gender by which one wants to be known.
if it says it on google, it must be true. hands down