I said all along "...metrics and ability: weight, height, muscle composition, etc. depending on the sport"
Should they be in the same league for wrestling?
Point was that if there's gonna be competition categories, I would think there's better metrics than gender and sex.
The whole point of sports is to measure who has the better ability.
You think that height is a better differentiator than testosterone levels?
Wrestling already has loads more categories, as does boxing, etc. The various sports already had perfectly good ways of separating competitors, with only extremely rare instances of confusion (see Caster Semenya).
Guess what, if we did it your way, the categories would be split by.... biological gender. Serena Williams was probably the best tennis player in history. She would never, at any point in her career, beat any of the top 200 men, no matter of she was physically bigger and stronger than them.
Simone Biles might be the best at her sport than *anyone* is at their sport. Whenever she does something new, it's "the first time it's been done in *women's* competition.
And on and on.
Which is why it was so obvious that you don't follow sports.
So because now people can subvert those various categories by merely identifying as something else, we throw those differentiators out? And even in the cases where people do take hormone treatment and undergo physical surgical changes, when the science shows they still don't match the levels of biological men and women without treatments, again, we just throw out the differentiators?