When you do gift cards do they physically drive it to you? Or email/text you code. Can someone walk me through the step by step let's say patis. Wondering if I can take advantage from NJ even on a NYC only promo
Vacay1515 off 30Orange county, NYC, BostonExp 8/22
Uber gc 50x2 = 100 for $80https://samsung-gcm.cashstar.com/Is something like this allowed on ddf/appropriate for this thread? I’d love to be notified of uber gc deals
Is this email or mail delivery ?
Digital. email
LJGPJ and save $20 off your order of $35+.
Need your LG Exalt fixed? Cracked in half? Water damage? Or parts to repair yourself. 347.201.2501
I ordered a Patis GC with that promotion a while ago, it says it was delivered but is nowhere to be found. (I wasn't home at the time)Is there anything I can do about it?TIA