@moshe25 I understand your point of view as a friend of his, and many of us would probably react the same way if we knew JS.
However, everyone else here doesn't know JS, so all they've seen is the information which has been shared publicly by BS and JS, which has not been very convincing. As many have said above, people here have seen far too many scams and bad investments come through our community (see 5k+ posts here for a few examples) to sit quietly when people may be falling unsuspectingly for something that's not in their best interest.
Is your friend a scammer? Nobody here is saying that. People here are simply saying that your friend is a young person who might not have enough experience to be doing what he's trying to do, and that there are definitely some red flags that what he's claiming might not be all it's hyped up to be. None of us have the years of context that you have from knowing him, so don't come on here and expect everyone to trust and believe the guy the same way you do as a friend of his. You're expecting the whole world to judge him the same way a trusting friend does, and that's just not reasonable.
I'll add that based on what I've seen, I'm sure your friend is an extremely ambitious, smart person- most people wouldn't have the ambition or intelligence to get as far as he has in this. He's probably a great guy, and almost certainly means well. (I say that 100% seriously.) That just doesn't mean it's a good place for people to put their hard-earned money though.
I hope this helps you step out of your own shoes and understand everyone else's perspective here.
This is a very fair take. I have been following the back and forth, while it's true nobody said he was a con-artist the implication of the repeated use of "needing to do due diligence" seemed to me like people were suspecting him of illegal activities . I have not seen any proof or even something to cause real suspicion (in my opinion) of fraud. (Besides, perhaps, the advertising)
The difference between fraud and just a bad investment have been discussed earlier in this very thread regarding RE, and while they both require DD on the part of the investor, it is not fair to throw them in the same boat.
But the bar for LH probably changes when its a bad investment (which there is no proof to) as opposed to fraud, so the comparison to Enron earlier was unfair.