The source is the Bais Yosef as advised by the magid who appeared to him. Don’t have the exact source offhand
See שו״ת מנחת יצחק ח״ח סי׳ נג
Thanks!Seems to be explaining why it’s not necessarily a problem, but doesn’t quote anything that would indicate it was ever a thing.
You skimmed through it a bit too fast...
Well.. sort of. See .גמרא סוכה לחשיירי מצוה מעכבין את הפורענות שהרי תנופה שירי מצוה היא ועוצרת רוחות וטללים רעים ואמר רבא וכן בלולב
למעשה he doesn’t have a Mekor for the practice, and we don’t find it was done in the past.
Are you looking for a mekor in Rambam or S"A?
No, any sefer showing that people did this once upon a time will do.החדש אסור מן התורה
Close, I didn’t realize it goes to the next page.למעשה he doesn’t have a Mekor for the practice, and we don’t find it was done in the past.
he quotes the Maharam Shik who says he saw it, too (unless I also skimmed through it too fast).
I found some very interesting sources on the 12th century traveler R’ Binyamin Tudela where he writes it was the custom to inscribe your name in the stones of Kever Rachel:2/3 of the way down the page
(See my above post in case it was missed) Also quoted there was from R’ Avraham Palagi where he writes that the Ohr Hachaim gave his student a note with something written on it to put in the Kosel as a segula for parnasah apparently. But I can’t make out all the words. See right before אות טז.
What is the earliest source giving meaning to singing/dancing around a fire?
What's any source that there's a meaning to it?