Spiders eat other insects. They're our friends
LolThe Munkatcher rails against spiders in a couple places אות תתרפ and the footnote https://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=4692&st=&pgnum=396&hilite=
Echo chambers are boring and don't contribute much to deeper thinking and understanding!
I use the Mishpacha/Ami Great results!
This is amazing!Rotated the head onto the window over the fly, fly tried to escape, zap!
Lol, got it a couple days ago and I like it, it’s perfect for mosquitoes and fruit flies.
In the olden days, we would say something like this is made for אמעריקאנטשיקע טשאקאלאדניקעס that look for easy effortless solutions.I doubt you get the same satisfaction you get from a successful towel or yarmulka kill.
Oh you most certainly do. That zap of electricity is just incredibly satisfying!
For אמעריקאנטשיקע טשאקאלאדניקעס. That's נהמא דכסופא! No real effort or skill.
That's some collection of lethal weapons