A fly made the poor decision of invading my bedroom last night. It was of the smaller faster type of flies which are considerably harder to track. With my gun in my right hand and zapper in my left I looked around until I spotted it landing on my blanket (not a place you want to use a smoosh-method). I fired a round from a bit of a distance to throw it off kilter which enabled me to move in with the other hand for the execution with a most satisfying zap.וכל הפלייס ישמעו וייראו ולא יזידון עוד
Last night, a small fly invaded my airspace. Not having any methods of killing it besides a tissue box, and being that the fly was below the minimum size that raises my concern, I issued a pardon and am now considered the most benevolent ruler of my house in more than a decade. My reelection coffers have swelled to double size in the last 12 hours.
The fly's eggs hatched?
For אמעריקאנטשיקע טשאקאלאדניקעס. That's נהמא דכסופא! No real effort or skill.
Spray them mid air with Windex and crunch them with your shoe when they fall down works every time
This thing is such a game changer. As soon as I hear a fly, it's toast. Does not stand any chance.
If I ever miss on the first try the fly goes crazy and then I have a really difficult time getting it. Is the trick to be really careful the first time, or is this issue a lack of my expertise?
Just leave it alone and it will go to rest on a window or plate. Tilt the head over it and it's trapped.
Live (lit.) update, after proceeding to empty a quarter a sprey bottle not once did the fly drop. Fly is very much alive. Next idea?Hi
hairspray freezes the wings.
Soon your going to tell me to spray this stuff until there's no room for them to exist
Echo chambers are boring and don't contribute much to deeper thinking and understanding!