Where can I find the London boys choir tzur mishelo?
What is a word that appears in the תורה only in חומש בראשית, and it means 4 different things in 4 different places. (It appears more than 4 times in חומש בראשית, but it does not appear in any other חומש AFAIK.
HINT: Two of the meanings are really based on the same thing - a name of a person, and a place named after that person.
שכם שניהם by שם & יפת, the person, the city and what's the 4thETA by Yosef שכם אחד על אחיך but only if you learn that it's not the city
Which are the two rarest Haftoras of non-double Parshios?And of the two, which is leined less in the current century (5701-5800)?
1 would have to be parshas miketz
This week we read the הפטורה של פרשת מקץ, last time we did was 20 years ago. Usually שבת פרשת מקץ is still חנוכה and we read הפטורה של שבת חנוכה.It's the famous story of Shlomo Hamelech's ingenious ruling for the two mothers claiming the live child.
Not Tzav? only leined in Leap year and purim falls out Thursday or Friday
I'm having trouble confirming that this exists (via Google).
Not sure how to phrase this as a riddle; but in 1948 (and again in 2043) there wasnt a Shabbos Chanuka.
When was the last time that there was no Shabbos Chanuka in a year, when will be the next time?