From a Rabbi Reisman shiur last year:
Who do you find that is a name of a Jew, someone else who is a non-Jew and a third person who is a Ger? All three are in the Chamisha Chumshei Torah. This is a good riddle for the Pesach Seder.
The answer is the name (רעואל). (רעואל) is mentioned as one of Yisro’s names in Shemos 2:18. He is a Ger. In Bamidbar 2:14 (אליסף בן-רעואל). One of the Nesiim’s father was (רעואל) who was a Jew. If you look back at the Nesiim of Eisav you will find a (רעואל) there too in Beraishis 36:4. So this is a name that you find for a Jew, a non-Jew and a Ger.