But I don't really want to get a phone call every time I need to log in to my email...
From a new device/browser.Listen, you can pay for a domain email... But 2fa is something you should have either way ..
Authentication failed. Please check your username/password.Server returned error: "DNS Error: DNS type 'aaaa' lookup of smtp@gmail.com responded with code NXDOMAIN DNS type 'a' lookup of smtp@gmail.com responded with code NXDOMAIN, code: 553"
Okay trying this now but I got an errorSMTP server: smtp@gmail.comUsername: my gmail (happens to be gsuite) email addressPassword: the app password I generatedPort: 587TLSAny ideas?
It's smtp.gmail.com not @
2fa is dependent on the uptime of (usually) a wireless provider. Something to weight in the calculation.
There are many other 2fa solutions and backup codes that can be used offline
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What's a good filter to block the internet and apps?Primarily used as a GPS device. So internet blocked entirely togther with most apps. Preferably a free filter.
Email security game changer: Cloudflare Area 1https://www.cloudflare.com/zero-trust/products/email-security/
I see a whole bunch of fancy words but didn't see any simple explanation for what this does. Can you explain in simple terms?