Absolutely none of your theories or assertions are grounded in any kind of reality. There is nothing to even hint that there is a breaking point where the Gazans reject Hamas, and the way you completely discount Israel's reliance on the world and what world pressure would look like is completely disconnected from facts on the ground. This entire exercise is the same as saying carpet bomb Gaza.
While I appreciate those who took the time to respond, I don't see why you think your opinion is fact.
It happens to be that this idea I wrote about is coming from two Israeli friends.
"There is nothing to even hint there is a breaking point", what kind of hint does an army look for in an enemy to see if/when/ how they will be broken, and in the case of Gaza, they're not there?
And your assertion that Israel can no way stand up to world pressure. B"H I was raised differently, so I guess that outlook is very strong for you. Especially, when one believes in a higher Koach, facts on the ground (whatever you're referring to), are not as meaningful.
I'm not sure what people mean when they say "carpet bomb" Gaza. Do they mean kill everyone, or just destroy the buildings. The idea I suggested is not to kill everyone, or anyone. It is to make life miserable, until breaking point. Though in my mind, there will probably be a few hundred deaths until that happens.