those without twitter:
Pay attention!!!
I have said this so many times that I feel like people are sick of hearing it, but guess what? I don’t care.
Mashiach is around the corner! I’m telling you, guys.
This isn’t just another war.
This isn’t just another march.
The Jewish people have NEVER been this united since we stood at Mount Sinai as one man with one heart.
Hundreds of thousands of Jews are now marching in Washington DC singing songs from Jewish scripture and joining together to show the world how much love this nation has.
I am part of several different groups right now along with some of the most influential Jews in the world, some people I didn’t even know were Jewish. Two months ago, I had zero in common with these people. Their Judaism meant nothing to them. Now we are brothers in arms. Huge things happening.
It might seem lonely right now but the world is seeing it clearly. They are seeing the difference between our marches and the marches/pogroms of our enemies.
Jews around the world are putting on Tefillin and tzitzit for the first time.
People who have never prayed before are now praying.
It’s been said a zillion times that only out of darkness can a light shine its brightest. The world saw deep depraved darkness on October 7th. And now the light is shining like never before. Our light.
We are a true light unto the nations.
The forces of evil have revealed themselves to the world and while there are still some people who are in denial and who refuse to see it, most of the world now sees the light of the Jewish people.
Why is the world hyper focused on this war? You think that’s a coincidence? It’s because this is a turning point in history. It is THE turning point.
Most of the world stands behind us as we battle these dark forces.
Hundreds of thousands of Jews have come home since this horrible war broke out. More are on the way.
Jewish scripture says clearly what will happen before Mashiach comes and some of the things it says have already happened as mentioned above.
Other things it mentions are not politically correct to say quite yet, but they’re in process and soon, they’ll be reality.
If I had described to you just a few months ago what our reality is right now, you would have said that that’s impossible.
None of this adds up. None of it makes sense. There is something bigger happening here. I feel it in my bones.
There are very big things at play here. Very very big things going down. Some you know, some you’ll know soon.
Jets were chartered to fly to Washington for this March. ElAl flew its first domestic flight from NY to DC.
The wings of eagles? Iykyk
This isn’t just another war.
This isn’t just another march.
This is the final war, the final march.
Soon, the ultimate light will shine down on us.
Get your sunglasses ready.