I personally have just upgraded. from Windows 10 to Windows 11, and I am thrilled. I waited in the beginning until they polished up Windows 11 and fixed up some of the bugs. To me, it feels more fluid and coherent. Granted, a lot of the things I may mention you may not bother you at all, but this is just my experience. I love the new file manager and the clarity and especially the tabs. The start menu search finally functions decent enough for daily use. The context menus are cleaned up and finally don't look like they were pulled from 17 different operating systems. (just 3 or 4). The Windows dictation (Win+H) works much more fluidly for me, which is a big help. I love tabs in notepad, auto saving notepad, Text OCR in snipping tools, Screen recorder built into snipping tool. I
would love the Android integration if it wasn't blocked by my filter
. (If anyone knows a filter out there, that can support it please let me know- I want to use Verizon Message+ on my computer which has since turned into an Android only app). Also just love the design. Yeah, I know, I can't either believe I just said that about Microsoft Windows.
For the haters of the start menu redesign, there is a 5.99 Fixed from Stardock called Start 11, That can fix some of the things that bother people, and then some....
Also, I'll mention that upgrading was really easy. Downloaded in the background, maybe 10-15 minutes to complete the process. And I was done. I am impressed.