what this democrats/liberals that let this take place either aren't aware or don't care, that Hamas which is an extension of Iran views the Americans and the Israelis as the satan and have the same love for the USA, and by letting this tkae place undeterred it encourages others to be part of it, and it enables this haters to come out of their rabbit holes
The reason you have the freedom to make posts like this is because what these so-called democrat/liberals stoop up for in the past.
This is where I lived and grew up:
In 1978, the ACLU took a controversial stand for free speech by defending a neo-Nazi group that wanted to march through the Chicago suburb of Skokie , where many Holocaust survivors lived. The notoriety of the case caused some ACLU members to resign, but to many others the case has come to represent the ACLU’s unwavering commitment to principle. In fact, many of the laws the ACLU cited to defend the group’s right to free speech and assembly were the same laws it had invoked during the Civil Rights era, when Southern cities tried to shut down civil rights marches with similar claims about the violence and disruption the protests would cause. Although the ACLU prevailed in its free speech arguments, the neo-Nazi group never marched through Skokie, instead agreeing to stage a rally at Federal Plaza in downtown Chicago.