Lunacy. Talk about victim blaming.
And what caused the endless expulsions, Black Death scapegoating, Inquisition, Tach V'tat, Pogroms, Blood Libels, and the Holocaust?
Or this?
Or this?
Or this?
Or just look into the Hadith, "Judgment Day will not come before the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Jews will hide behind the rocks and the trees, but the rocks and the trees will say: Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him — except for the gharqad tree, which is one of the trees of the Jews."
The one constant over the 2,000 years of exile is that no place remains tolerable in the long-term.
Most of your examples were in Christian lands. Jews fared far worse for the most part, slaughtered wholesale in the Crusades, Inquisition, Tach Vetat, and pretty much thought the Middle Ages right into the 20th Century.
In the Arabian countries the Jews fared far better. Jews were considered people of the book and had the right to practice their own religion and conduct their own affairs. Unlike the Christian lands where Jews were often barred from most professions and relegated to money lending and taverns and the like, there was plenty of opportunity for Jews in the Moslem countries, and many became very profitable merchants. It was no picnic. Read Islam and Dhimmitude or similar works. They were second class citizens and their right to dwell was subject to head tax. The Sunni regions were generally more favorably disposed than the Shiites.
Even as second rate citizens Jews flourished in most of the Arabian lands. The Arabs were actually gifted philosophers, and well versed in the sciences and the arts while Christian Europe regressed. Jewish Philosophy was very much influenced by the Arabian culture. At the same time the Dhimmi status was also a blessing in disguise. There was little assimilation and intermarriage. Marrying a Moslem woman was punishable by death. The separate Jewish communal institutions were strong and held great sway over communal affairs. In some cases Jews engendered tremendous respect and value. The Caliphs generally loved the Jews and had many high ranking Jewish advisors. So did the Abbasids.
The massacres you cited were largely the product of civil wars or battles where the Jews found themselves in the middle. Wholesale doctrines to make a country Judenrein by wholesale murdering the Jewish population were exceedingly rare in the Arabian countries. It was when the Christians controlled Spain that the Golden age of Jewry there came to an end and tre Jews were expelled, tortured, and forcibly converted.
The situation we find ourselves over the last century in which scores of moslem countries and over a billion people fervently want to murder the Jews and cleanse the entirety of Eretz Yisrael of them is almost unparalleled in the history of Jewish Moslem relations. To dismiss the non Zionist POV as fantasy and baseless out of hand is to lack historical context. I’m not a fervent anti Zionist myself. Pretty far from it. But I recognize that they do have a substantive point of view.
The common, rather shallow POV that all moslems from the days of Mohammad are bloodthirsty animals who always would slaughter a Jew if they had half a chance and there was never any point in history where there was a possibility of peaceful coexistence is woefully misinformed. Yes chazal call Yishmael a פרא אדם. The tendencies are there. The rachamanus and revulsion to evil went solely to Avraham’s son Yitzchak. It does not mean that kill them or be killed was always the only answer.