Sounds like he should be a spokesman then. Although, this time around Israel has some decent ones.
ETA: I listened to a little bit. He should not be the spokesman. Some things he says are true, but he does not have the best way of explaining it in a way that most people would understand and he is missing the mark plenty of times. If someone is trying to make people aware that the Palestinian nation is an invention, and that international law as defined by the haters does not apply in this case, he should make the case in a clear way. This just makes people write that off.
He definitely does not belong as a spokesman. While his English is decent, it's far from native speaker level. He is also too dogmatic IMHO rather than being able to convey things in a subtle, yet convincing manner.
I personally know someone who currently works for INSS and was previously a senior lawyer at the IDF legal department. There's plenty of legal work going on behind the scenes. It just doesn't get that much public exposure.
As for "illegal settlements" there are papers regarding that, where I believe the main point is that the territories in question were never part of an independent sovereign country. Jordan occupied Judea and Samaria after the 1948 war. They gave up all claims to the territory in the 1980s IIRC.
The only "occupied territory" are the Golan Heights which were annexed (and recognized by the US under Trump).