Greek Health Minister. He has a point: Translate:
"The announcement of the "Palestinian Community" about the dead Yonas, apart from being obviously shameful, is also proof of the real problem. According to the Palestinians, no Jewish citizen is innocent, so everyone is killed either by terrorists, or by rockets, or by massacres like the one on October 7. What was Jonah's "crime" that made him "guilty", he was serving in the Israeli Army...yet all citizens of Israel, men and women are serving in the Army as this state is surrounded by millions of enemies who daily swear to destroy it from the map. Ionas was walking carefree and unarmed on the street, in his city, in his home and two terrorists killed him in cold blood, but he was not innocent according to this announcement because he served his term in the army...that's why we are with Israel because they have and the Jews the right to have a homeland in which they will be safe at last."