To somwhat reinforce what @EliJelly is saying, tying it with the video I posted upthread, and with the Hamas charter.
This ISN'T about sovereignty. The Jews that settled in Israel before Zionism or Herzl were conceived came to live in our holy homeland just because of that, and purchased the places where they lived, whether in Jerusalem, Hebron, Tiberias or elsewhere. Yet the Muslim antisemites still massacred them.
The IslamoNazis (just like the German speaking Nazis) want the place Judenrein.
The above is way oversimplified, especially if one takes the Eidah Hachareidus/ Old Yishuv viewpoint into account.
From their point of view the Zionists poked the bear in the late 1800’s and made what was a tolerable if unpleasant golus situation in the Arabian countries and Eretz Yisrael into one where billions of Arabs foment for Israel and the Jews destruction. The non Zionist religious Jews living in the old yishuv never had statehood aspirations. They faced discrimination from the Muslims but it was relatively tolerable compared to Europe, coupled with a grudging respect for the Jewish chacham and leaders. The Zionists were politically adept and claimed to speak for all Jews, but the old yishuv never appointed the Zionists to speak for them; the furthest thing on their mind was to start up with the nations by proclaiming a right to a Jewish homeland. Most of the Arab unrest was concurrent with the rise of Zionism and the proclamation of Eretz Yisrael to be the Jewish homeland.
True there was already pressure from the massive influx of European Jews escaping progroms anti semitism there. Yet it was the political machinations and nationalist aspirations of the Zionist movement that really fomented the unrest.
(In fact Rav Hunter maintained that the zionists were directly responsible for causing the Islamic Mufti to align with Hitler, thereby bringing Eisav and Yishmael together, and in a ruchniyus sense causing the churban Europa.)
Was there ever a viable two state plan? Sort of. During the British Mandate European Jews were refused entry to Eretz Yisrael, eventually perishing en masse in the holocaust. Yet there was actually a serious proposal that would have saved a large number of European Jews by allowing them to emigrate to Eretz Yisrael.
A gifted political figure named Yaakov Dehaan who was originally a Zionist but then grew close to Rav Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld, representing the Perushim and the old yishuv, had the countours of a broad based agreement with king Hussein, the other Arab leaders, and the British that would have relinquished Jewish Statehood but would have completely lifted the quota on immigration and given the Jews full rights in Eretz Yisrael as equals. Hundreds of thousands of Jews would have had a destination to go to instead of being forced to stay in Europe by British quotas where they met their end at the hand of the nazis.
This plan was completely at odds with the Zionist agenda of winning world support for a Jewish State.
The zionists were furious at anyone undermining their political machine, sabotaging their plans for an independent State, so they assassinated Dahan in cold blood as he left davening. The proposal fell apart with his death and the only remaining political push was the Zionist one of an independent state, which infuriated the Arabs and had the British alarmed.
Things reached a boiling point and the Arab riots in chevron (and Gaza- there was a Jewish community in Gaza as well) and Yerushalayim took place, culminating in the war of ‘48 , the loss of Jewish access to the Kosel for 19 years, and the exile of the perushim and the old yishuv from the old Jewish quarter after hundreds of years of continuous settlement, long before Zionism was ever conceived. That exile was permanent, as the perushim never returned to the Jewish quarter.
The umbrella organization of the perushim under which Yaakov Dahan negotiated his proposal in the early 1920’s , the Vaad Ha’ir, later became known as the Eidah Hachareidis. Now you know the rest of the story and why the Eidah Hachareidus continues to view the zionists as illegitimate usurpers.
There is a recognition among even the most anti Zionist faction (not counting the crazies) that we are stuck with the current situation and at this point a Jewish government is a fact; the Arabs at this point would massacre us in a heartbeat. No rational person believes that the IDF is not Al pi derech hateva what stands between us and wholesale slaughter. Yet they view the current situation where one billion Muslims would like nothing better that to wipe the Jews off the map as a direct result of choices that were made years ago.
Again the above is their point of view and leaves some food for thought. See also Rav Reuvein Grozonskys בעיות הזמן.